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Washroom Products

Suitmate Swim Suit Spinner Dryer

The SUITMATEŽ swimming costume spinner dryer is the market leader in swim suit spinners for over 30 years.

the Suitmate helps prevent water from damaging your changing or hotel rooms. Wet and dripping swimsuits can harm metal lockers by rusting; wood lockers by delaminating; and promote mould and mildew in carpets and furniture.

Suitmate has with a rigid stainless steel construction that resists the stress of vibration compared to plastic models. This makes the SUITMATE swimsuit dryer the only costume dryer on the UK market you can trust. Buy the genuine and best SUITMATE swimming costume spinner for peace of mind.
Suitmate Swimsuit Dryer

Washroom Hygiene Monitor

Washroom Monitor
The Washroom Hygiene Monitor offers visual reassurance to customers and acts as a prompt for cleaning staff.

A battery-operated wall-mounted digital countdown clearly indicates when the facilities were last cleaned, and when the next inspection / cleaning is due, resettable with a magnetic 'wand'.

Regularly checked facilities ensure that customers always find your facilities the way you would like them to find them.

With the Washroom Hygiene Monitor you can be certain that your customers will feel comfortable in the knowledge that they will always find your facilities in the optimum condition.

Toilet Seat Cleaners / Sanitisers

The 'SaniSeat' Toilet Seat Sanitiser provides the individual with the opportunity to clean the seat effectively before use.

Even toilet seats that seem clean can be heavily contaminated with bacteria.
The SaniSeat is used to spray a quick-drying chemical onto tissue to wipe the toilet seat, providing extra piece of mind.

Also available in handy, flushable, bactericidal impregnated wipes.
SaniSeat - Safe seat
Toilet Seat Wipes bactericidal wipes

WC Sanitisers

WC Sanitiser
WC sanitiser release a dose of chemical cleanser, or organic bactericidal odour removing liquids to clean, deodourise and sanitise the wc bowl on every flush. This removes the need for 'toilet ducks' or other cleaning chemicals in the toilet bowl and automatically cleans the toilet.

Washroom Consumables

We can provide for a range of product dispensers. We have selected the best suppliers for our range of dispensers from Laboratoires Prodene Klint in France for our cosmetic, dermotalogical and bactericidal soaps range along with local supliers.

We can provide direct fill soaps, cartridge fill soaps for ranges : Softcare, Deb, Kennedy, Brighwell...

Tissue : bulk pack toilet tissue (unbranded, kimberley clark and other brands), mini jumbo toilet roll,  Lotus Smart One, Coreless, Lotus Compact Coreless, standard household sized toilet rolls (48 pack, 320 sheet)

hand Towel, C Fold, Z Fold, M Fold, blue or white, 1 or 2 ply, standard and luxury, towel rolls, enmotion, bay west,
centrefeed rolls, lotus, other brands

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