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Fly Killers

Flykillers & Fly Killing Units
Fly-killers are electrically operated wall or ceiling mounted units that emit ultra-violet light, which attracts flying insects.
They are then killed by an electrically charged grid or trapped on a glue board.

Ultra-violet (UV) lights are used to attract insects over the other lighting in an area.
They are safer to use than sprays or insecticides as spray particles or residues can settle on foods, surfaces and people where they are used as well as being inhaled.

A flykiller is essential in food premises to capture flying insects which have managed to enter.

(Flyscreens on doors and windows should be the first element of flying insect control).

- Flykillers should not be sited above food preparation areas or any surface on which food or food equipment is
  handled or stored
- They should be in draught-free areas to prevent dead insects being blown about
- They should be situated at a height of around 2.5 metres above floor level (not above 5m).

The emission of ultra-violet light by the tubes decreases over a period of months. 
Fly killer tubes therefore need to be replaced at least annually.

We can provide annual maintenance of your existing fly killing unit to comply with health and safety regulations .

We have a range of flykillers for each application.
These include electronic fly killers and silent, non-zap, glueboard flykillers.

Fly Killers, Insect control
Electronic Fly Killer
The old faithful  and ever popular 'fly zapper'. These use Ultraviolet lamps to attract flying insects into the machine where they are killed instantaneously by a highly charged electric killing grid. The flies fall into a catchment tray underneath the grid
Silent Glueboard Non-zap Flykillers, FlyShield
Glueboard fly killers are more popular for sensitive areas such as above food preparation areas or eating areas. The flies are again attracted into the unit by the Ultraviolet lamps where they become attached to a pheromone and insecticide impregnated board where they die and are held attahced by the strong adhesive.
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